Space Language Worksheets for Grade 1

Look at the picture on the right. Put an X mark next to every word listed below that you find in the picture


Look at each picture and circle the letter that stands for the beginning sound. Then mark whether the sound is a vowel or a consonant


Say each word on the left. Then circle the word on the right that rhymes with it. Say the two words together


The star pictured is a five-pointed star. Draw an eight-pointed star in the box to the right of it. Then, write the word star, the number 8, and the word eight


Circle the correct word to fill in each of the blanks. Then write the word on the right side of the page


Fill in the missing letters. Then unscramble the letters to spell out the secret answer in the blanks below


Fill in the missing vowel to finish each word. Then circle the answer that shows whether that vowel is a long or short sound. Look at the Fact File sheets for help with the words


Connect the dots from A-Z. Then trace the big word below


Learn to recognize some of the planets. Unscramble the letters on the left and write out the name of the planet on the right. Look at the Fact File sheets for clues


Find the planet names hidden in the puzzle below


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