Most of the flowers that bloom in a forest come and go so quickly that you may never have seen them. But if you look in the right place at the right time, you will find them and be glad you did.
A good place to find many of these wildflowers is a forest of deciduous trees (trees that lose their leaves in winter), especially near a river. Rivers often overflow their banks during rains and enrich the nearby soil. This makes a wonderful place for wildflowers to grow.
The best time to look for wildflowers is in the early spring, before the trees leaf out and before the poison ivy starts to growand that makes it easy and pleasant to walk around and take a close look.
If you do find yourself in the right place at the right time, you may come upon a delicate carpet of colorful forest wildflowers. Some are simple in shape and some are quite ornate. Their names are delightful: spring beauty, dogtooth violet, ladyslipper orchid, Dutchman's breeches, columbine, bluebell, trillium, Jack-in-the-pulpit. As you color the pictures of wildflowers, see if you can imagine how each one might have gotten its common name.
When you see these flowers in a forest, you know that they weren't in flower yesterday, and soon they will be gone. Their short flowering season will end and their green leaves will be hard to find among the bolder leaves of vines and bushes. Their special beauty lasts only a few days, awaiting those who know how to look for it.
Sometimes these same plants are grown in home gardens, so we don't always have to visit a forest to see them. If you know someone who has a flower garden, ask if any wildflowers grow there.

BONUS: Color the WildFlowers

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